The VendorPay Network

Get Paid Faster

Vendors participating in Ottimate’s VendorPay network shorten Days Sales Outstanding by 25%

Receive Payments Faster From Thousands of Retailers Nationwide

Automate Payment Collection

Joining the VendorPay Network allows you to automate payment collection from your customers.

Focus on sales & distribution, let the payments come to you.

AI Payments

Track Upcoming Payments

Join the VendorPay Network and get visibility into both past and upcoming payments

Take the guessing game out of payment collection.

Join The VendorPay Network

Trusted by over 180,000+ Vendors

Eliminate Manual AR Processes

Quickly and easily reconcile payments.

Filter through your digital filing cabinet, and break down transactions by customer or invoice.

Ottimate resources
Digital check

Stay Competitive

Leverage VendorPay to strengthen your relationship with customers.

Offer a touch-free payment process and provide cashback on invoice spend to create customers for life.

Blog Post

The True Cost of Paper Invoices

Is your business growth held back by hundreds of tiny costs? A major source of hidden costs is manually processing invoices and sending paper checks. Here’s why.

Ottimate Blog

Tales, Tips And Guides To Help You Automate Your Restaurant Back Office